Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All Hail The Wii

Before opening gifts with the rest of the family, Tiffany could no longer hold her excitement in. So she convinced me in the middle of the afternoon on Christmas Eve to let the kids open a few selected items...namely....a certain video game unit which appeared on everyone's wish list....The Nintendo Wii. Here is a short video montage I put together:

Sorry about the language......my bad.

After playing for a few hours we opened more gifts with uncle Jamie, grandma Marcia, uncle David, aunt Ally and niece Riley. Then we headed to the Baptist Church to see Elli play an Angel and Abbi play the Virgin Mary in the Nativity Scene.

After church, we ate sandwiches at Marica's place as aunt Cheryl and Terry, cousins Brad, Holly and Brulee and Uncle Brule showed up for food and Tom and Jerry's. Brad and Holly's first born Henry was a little fussy. Ally, David and Riley made another appearance after eating at David's dads place.

Santa showed up last night, presents were underneath the tree when we woke up......at 6:50am, thanks to the strike of a drum cymbal which scared me. Elli was impatient, so the gift opening began.

Gabe got Guitar Hero 3, which he hasn't put down, Abbi and Elli both received stuff to go with their American Girl Dolls.

Just finished off some coffee cake...ummmmm good! Looks like uncle Josh's coffee cake turned out well too! www.cyclonelane.blogspot.com (Nice slide show Anne!)

Nap time now?????????

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